Support – Mobile


I had to reinstall the app. How do I restore my purchases?

Before restoring your purchases please make sure you have a solid internet connection.

On iOS
  1. Open A Color Story
  2. Tap the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen
  3. Tap Restore Purchases

On Android
  1. Open a photo in A Color Story
  2. Tap the shopping cart icon at the top of the screen
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the shop
  4. Tap Restore Purchases

I would like a refund

Since all purchases are processed through Apple and Google Play, you will need to contact them for a refund.

On iOS
  1. Go to
  2. Follow Apple’s instructions to request a refund

On Android
  1. Go to
  2. Follow Google Play’s instructions to request a refund

How do I cancel my subscription?

On iOS
  1. Open iPhone settings
  2. Tap Apple ID at the top of the page
  3. Tap Subscriptions
  4. Tap A Color Story
  5. Tap Cancel Subscription

On Android
  1. Open the Google Play Store
  2. Tap your account icon in the top right corner of the screen
  3. Tap Payments & Subscriptions
  4. Tap Subscriptions
  5. Tap A Color Story
  6. Tap Cancel Subscription

Will I lose my purchased packs if I subscribe to A Color Story Pro?

Nope! Any pack you have purchased individually will always be available to you. If you subscribe you will unlock all items and features and maintain your access to your packs. Once the subscription expires, you will lose access to items and features that were a part of the subscription, but will still have access to your individually purchased packs.

I bought something in the app but it isn’t unlocking.

No worries! This likely happened due to a connection issue and you need to restore your purchase.

On iOS
  1. Open A Color Story
  2. Tap the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen
  3. Tap Restore Purchases

On Android
  1. Open a photo in A Color Story
  2. Tap the shopping cart icon at the top of the screen
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the shop
  4. Tap Restore Purchases

My Instagram account isn’t connecting.

There are a few reasons why your Instagram account isn’t connecting.

1. You are trying to login with a personal account
  • Instagram has recently removed the ability for personal accounts to connect within 3rd party apps like A Color Story. You will need to have a creator or business account set up in order to connect your grid again. Thankfully this is a free and easy change to make to your account! You can find more detailed instructions here.

2. You have a nested account
  • If you have a nested account, meaning you have two separate accounts connected by one login, you will need to login to one using your phone number, username, or email and then login to the other using whichever option you didn’t use before.

3. You have a weak internet connection
  • Make sure you have a strong internet connection before connecting your account.

If I switch devices between an iPhone and Android phone can I keep my purchases?

Unfortunately since your Apple ID and Google Play accounts are separate, that means that your purchases are localized to those accounts and can’t be transferred.
